
announcing: 4 rounds of incredible straight 8 2011 premieres:
doc/fest, cannes advertising, berlin & london selections

all 8 of the awesome films from our cannes film festival selection will play at all screenings except for sheffield

straight 8 2011: sheffield doc/fest premieres - june 12th, 1pm, sheffield odeon

77: the green green lanes of home - sarah thom

blue spruce - zachary taylor

kennedy's hat - matt houghton

latitiude 45° 35', north - tania boisset

london lines - rory mathieson

picnic on the moon - helen nias, angus johnstone

symphony - francesca weber-newth & ruth meyer

the second law - paul cooke, alex ranken, dominic reese-roberts

underground paris - nic fforde

vacation island - robert christian malmberg

we'll see what happens - jon lloyd

worth a journey - ken hagen takenaka, jens gröger

straight 8 2011 'the best of an ad bunch' cannes advertising festival premieres
june 24th, coffee + croissants 11.30 am, screening noon, the star cinema, 98 rue d'antibes


brög - michelle fraser

excuse me - team euro

focus - kimberly jarred

living with barry - camille & margot

macmillan archive #bm1907 - jamie madge

memories of cottingley - marc holtbecker, robert neumann, steffen kramer

mime poker - joseph connor

near dark - luca gennari

stiff - thom greybe

the debt collector - david walters

the eye-catcher - richard connel, clement woodward, thomas woodward, laura knox

the gardener - donshades dodo

the straight 8 commandments - bigplus & 0800 styles

vacation island - robert christian malmberg

straight 8 2011 berlin premiere - july 9th, drinks 8pm, screening 10pm, venue : lützowstrasse 102-104, Berlin

evil candy - tobias koppe

memories of cottingley - marc holtbecker, robert neumann, steffen kramer

mullet man - florian schertel, peter hall

sundays - georg pelzer

tango - klaus bobach

the manual for the h-psb85 - maximilian michel

y.s.i. - fiona browlie

straight 8 2011 london premieres @ rushes soho shorts festival - july 25th and 26th, 8.45pm the ICA

all the hard ways – caryn waechter, richard kimmel

brög - michelle fraser

epic kraft - akseli plane, charles david

excuse me - team euro

focus - kimberly jarrett

ghost -romana majid

going up - harvey griffin

he loves me - oliver crowther

hermes day out - megan hill & tatiana mccabe

kennedy's hat - matt houghton

living with barry - camille & margot

lost/found - paul kasprzak

lux flux - colin dewar

macmillan archive #bm1907 - jamie madge

man from the moon - hannah turner

meet the special one - dankuro shima

memories of cottingley - marc holtbecker, robert neumann, steffen kramer

menage a soixante-treize - dermot canterbury, isabel fay

mime poker - joseph connor

near dark - luca gennari

night - robert ellsworth

noir et blanc - andrew panatti

picnic on the moon - helen nias, angus johnstone

rage for sale - jack riccobono

s8-3d - malcolm finlay

sarah – greg & doug

silent butt violent – darren barber

solomon rousseaux's khrominox - andrew wilson, samuel cochrane

somewhere in france - scott newstead

stiff – thom greybe

the box - dan weston & damon hatcher

the class - rob oldfield

the daughters of the late colonel - alex newton and avye leventis

the eyecatcher - richard connell, clement woodward, thomas woodward, laura knox

the gardener - donshades dodo

the pig - darren walsh

the straight 8 commandments - bigplus & 0800 styles

the thing within - anita rickwood

trapped - matt stevens

vacation island - robert christian malmberg

coming to a screening is the perfect way to get inspiration for your 2012 straight 8 entry, and we'd love to see you

if there isn't one happening near enough to you, and you think you'd like to change that, get in touch

stay tuned and stay in touch - you choose how:

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